Internal Campaign to Promote Synergy Among Subsidiaries

Emilia Group initiated an internal campaign aimed at fostering synergy between its subsidiaries: Chemovil, Mendelson, Overseas Commerce, and Emilia Cosmetics. The guiding concept was "Stronger Together," emphasizing that synergy can only be achieved when the organization operates cohesively, with each individual contributing to the collective strength.

The creative approach drew inspiration from natural examples of synergy, such as schools of fish, swarms of bees, and massive flocks of starlings. In these instances, unity enables better survival against predators. For example, in fish schools, each fish maintains a consistent direction and proximity to its neighbors, avoiding collisions and creating coordinated, harmonious movement.

The project encompassed: Logo design, Employee conference branding, Teaser campaigns, Conference invitations, Welcome roll-ups, Event branding, Branded gifts for participants

This comprehensive approach aimed to cultivate a unified corporate culture, enhancing collaboration and synergy across all companies within the Emilia Group.